Archive | January 2012

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Trying to be a Courageous Father

My parents were divorced when I was in kindergarten.  I haven’t spoken to my dad since I was in high school.  I know he knew I went in the Marines but other than that I am not sure.  He still owes my Mother and my late Grandparents lots of money in back child support, medical […]

My 5 St. Louis Cardinals Iconic Moments

As part of my membership in the United Cardinals Bloggers, I have the opportunity to write a blog each month based on a topic they provide.  I figured I would take a stab at the first month’s topic of 5 Iconic Cardinals Moments.  I am not ranking these because for me, they may change from […]

12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

Some of you may not know that there are really twelve days to Christmas.  The 12 days mark the time from Christmas to Epiphany.  Epiphany is the time the Wise Men came to deliver their gifts to the baby Jesus.   For more information read Matthew 2: 1-12.  Some cultures celebrate Epiphany with a King’s Cake […]